Do you remember when smartphones began showing up in the workplace over a decade ago?
Whether they were company-provided smartphones or employee-owned smartphones phones, many business users were connecting to the corporate network without a hint of a mobile device management policy in place.

This is a very dangerous practice, given that many do not even have an active anti-virus platform installed on them to help secure that smartphone, at a minimum. Many smartphones are still not protected by a company policy protecting the smartphone from non-standard activity while connected to their corporate network

I wrote a pair of articles relating to Mobile Device Management (MDM) in a two-part series back some 18 months ago; however, the landscape has changed dramatically since then, and we are still having this conversation.

Regardless of the reason(s) as to why many corporations and companies have yet to implement a solid MDM policy for their Mobile Device users, it is a necessary requirement if we are to secure the corporate/company infrastructure from today’s ongoing threats.

Many organizations today subscribe to a Managed Service platform to protect their desktops and laptops; however, you have employees parading around with their smartphone in their back pocket UNSECURED while connected to your corporate network.

This is a problem.This is where Symposit LLC can help.

Please give us a call and find out how we can help you implement a SECURE MDM policy for your organization that best suits your organizational needs and your employee’s needs, to make your MDM project a secure and seamless integration effort to help protect your organization’s IT infrastructure.

Tel: 571-224-4739 | email: support@

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