I talked last week about Mobile Device Management and what it is and why you need a MDM policy for your SMB.

In large-scale organizations, implementing Mobile Device Management (MDM) is typically a given. After all, with so many employees using mobile devices that either contain or connect to sources of sensitive information, there needs to be some way to keep everything in check.  But what about those companies that aren’t big enough to be able to afford an MDM implementation and an IT department to manage it?  Without a means to centralize the control of mobile devices, how can these smaller companies protect their data?

That is where Symposit LLC can help.

Some SMBs have found ways to help mitigate risk without traditional MDM, but it isn’t always easy.  As a SMB Managed Services Provider, Symposit LLC can review your current mobile infrastructure and then implement a cost-effective MDM policy for your organization. 

Now, here is what can happen if your organization chooses not to implement a MDM policy:

  1. Basically, your organization is taking a big gamble with the security of its data;
  2. Would you go to sleep at night with your front door wide open?
  3. Essentially, that is what is happening without a secure MDM implementation;
  4. Folks are downloading Apps from the Play Store (Google Android) and the App Store (Mac iPhone) without knowing if the apps they are downloading contain malware, especially from third-party vendors;
  5. Now, let’s say that malware was contained within a recent downloaded app and the employee now connects to his office network the next morning – guess what?
  6. Yes, we hear about this fairly often – the malware creeps into the office network and depending on the payload of that malware – it has now been introduced to your office network;
  7. Let’s hope that your current Anti-virus and Anti-malware solution is able to stop the attack, but what if it doesn’t?
  8. Symposit LLC can help to prevent that malware from ever getting onto your phone, tablet or laptop – thus not allowing the malware to even get close to your office network;
  9. We live in a world where cyber security threats are invading the Internet 24/7/365 – it never sleeps.
  10.   Help us to help you implement a MDM policy for you and your organization.  Give us a call today.
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