The age old question – Mac vs. PC?

A client recently asked us this question, and I wanted to share our response. The short answer is that it depends on what you’re using it for. Each platform has it’s benefits for certain scenarios. Many business run 100% on Mac, others 100% Windows, and some even have a hybrid of the two. Below is […]

Change your eBay Password Now!

eBay has recently admitted that it was hit by a cyberattack which compromised user passwords (and non-financial data). The problem with these attacks is that many users have the same password for multiple sites. Meaning a smart hacker could deduce other account passwords with just one. The attack was first detected two weeks ago, but […]

6 ways you got hacked

I constantly see people’s Facebook posts, emails and tweets about how their email/twitter/facebook/google/yahoo/bank account/whatever got hacked. I want to outline how people typically get hacked and what you can do to prevent that. I’m going to try to number these in order to make it clear and concise. 6) Having inadequate antivirus/protection Arguably, this could […]

Welcome to our new site!

After several years of running our first website for the business, we are extremely pleased to announce and introduce the launch of our newly redesigned website. We hope that you find it more appealing and navigable than our former site. We’d love to hear your feedback! Our website is not only a marketing tool, it […]

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