When it comes to Airline & Security Screening, do you want good or do you want the best?
Two Different Security Training Systems – One Clearly Superior Solution
Visit the Symposit/HumanLink/CASRA Booth #114 at the 2022National Homeland Security Conference, (NHSC) July 11th-July 14th, 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio
Together with our global partner CASRA, visitors can experience Swiss research innovations to security training and screening first-hand. As the only North American affiliate, we will be offering CASRA’s XRT-4 demonstrations for select participants to test their skills! There will also be prizes for those who locate the threat first via XRT4.
Superior technology yields superior detection. Throughout the trade show, Symposit and HumanLink will be presenting an overview of the X-Ray Tutor, XRT4. This proven technology is already implemented throughout Europe. Learn how we can use metrics and human factors to improve training and testing solutions for security officers and X-ray screeners within all screening environments, including TSA, CBP, Federal and state office buildings, Cargo facilities, Sports and concert venues and various other areas of security operation.
CASRA technology defies all others with its enhanced screening capabilities, allowing not only single-view images, but dual-view and 3D computer tomography technology. XRT4 runs on the latest technology, without any plug-in on various internet browsers. XRT4 is highly flexible and configurable and supports different user interfaces.
The 2022 National Homeland Security Conference, (NHSC) brings together professionals in Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Fire and Emergency Management. They include officials in federal agencies, nonprofit agencies, business owners, universities and decision makers to learn about emerging trends in homeland security and see the new equipment and technology available to support their mission.
Contact Details:
Symposit: HumanLink:
Bobby Bermudez Bonnie Kudrick
bobby.bermudez@damiand35.sg-host.com bonnie@humanlinkllc.com