Be secure, adopt “less is more.”

I’d like to talk about something very important with regards to computer security, and really computing in general. Computers are indeed complex machines, with many layers of working components working in tandem to present you with a useful and useable experience. Each one of the aforementioned “components” is a potential attack vector for an attacker. […]

Protect yourself by using disposable information

How many times a day do you give out your email address, inadvertently or voluntarily? How many lists do you think your email address appears on? Can you trust every vendor you register with? I know I would have a tough time answering these questions. Of course, I tend to be a rather private person […]

Importance of using two-factor authentication

You’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it here again. The web, including your data, is under constant attack. Everywhere and all the time. Some of the attacks are automated and come from “robots,” while others are actual humans trying to break in. Failing to utilize two-factor authentication, whereever and whenever possible, will leave you exposed. […]

Mobile Device Management (MDM) PT. II

I talked last week about Mobile Device Management and what it is and why you need a MDM policy for your SMB. In large-scale organizations, implementing Mobile Device Management (MDM) is typically a given. After all, with so many employees using mobile devices that either contain or connect to sources of sensitive information, there needs […]

What is Mobile Device Management?

Thinking about letting your employees use their own mobile devices on your network?  Before you agree to a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) scheme, please take a look at protecting your company with a Mobile Device Management (MDM) plan. Mobile Device Management is the ability to secure, monitor, manage and support mobile devices – typically involving remote distribution […]

Have you backed up your data lately?

Don’t fall into the old paradigm of “it will never happen to me.” While there is certainly a chance that you will never have a need for the backups that you make of your files, if something does happen to your computer, you will certainly be glad that you have them. You do not have […]

How to stay safe online

SPAM & PHISHING Cybercriminals have become very savvy in their attempts to lure people in and get you to click on an infected link or to open an infected attachment. The email they send can look just like it comes from a financial institution, e-commerce site, government agency or any other service or business.It often […]

Managed Services–What is it and why do I need this for my organization?

This is an important question to ask when you have a business full of computers, servers and employees. “What will I get with managed services that I couldn’t get with a break-fix solution?”  Information Technology (IT) systems are expected to meet high standards of operation, while offering 24/7 availability, security, and performance. In today’s environment, […]

SMB (small-to-medium businesses) Cyber Security Threats

2015 SMB IT Cyber Security Threats Cyber security experts expect cyber security threats to intensify in 2015, with innovative & complex attacks. Cyber crime is profitable and the risks for the criminals to be caught or punished are still negligible. 2015 is likely to see more copycat crimes as well as increased sophistication in attacks. […]

10 Tips to protect your mobile phone privacy

Just a quick note & reminder on how to easily protect your information on your mobile phone. Generally these will apply to pretty much any smartphone… Simple: 1) Enable a passcode in order to unlock and use the phone. 2) Don’t allow apps to remember passwords, instead type them all in manually. 3) Enable wiping […]

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