When setting up Docker Desktop on Windows Server 2022, you’ll need Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) working properly first. However, you might encounter the error “An error occurred in the secure channel support” when running wsl --update. This prevents WSL from updating and consequently blocks Docker Desktop from functioning correctly.

The Problem

The Solution

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Navigate to Internet Options
  3. Click the Advanced tab
  4. Scroll down to the Security section
  5. Enable both checkboxes:
    • Use TLS 1.2
    • Use TLS 1.3
  6. Click Apply, then OK
  7. Try running wsl --update again
  8. Once WSL is updated, Docker Desktop can be installed and run properly

Why This Works

Windows Server 2022 requires TLS 1.2 or higher for secure communications. When these protocols are disabled, WSL update commands fail because they can’t establish a secure connection to Microsoft’s servers. Enabling these protocols allows the secure channel to be established properly, letting you update WSL and subsequently run Docker Desktop.

Additional Notes


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